So, DOL got you down? Why?
More paper work, government intrusion? Sure, all of those things bother me. But, because of the DOL ruling, I am now able to tell my clients and prospects that I operate as a fiduciary... a best interest person. Remember, until now, the term fiduciary was only used by RIA's that were the fee based person.
Prospecting a little tougher?
Sure it is… do not call lists, caller ID and the dreaded delete button response to emails that you send.
Seminars too expensive?
Compared to what? Compared to a drop in business? There are new seminars both with and without meals. But, you have to invest in yourself.
Digital world got you down?
Don't know how to develop a good website, content, standing with Google and how to disseminate your info to the world? Of course that is a problem, unless you have an organization that will do that for you. And, of course this is a commercial, we do that at The Ohlson Group.
Not feeling the love from your IMO? Why is that?
Well, we IMO's are also trying to maximize our bottom line. We are becoming very selfish with our time. Because, as you know, time is one thing you can't get back or replenish. So, what is the answer? It is time to pick a team to place most of your business. The IMOs and companies, are now focusing on the players that are treating them as partners. We have the marketing research and education to assist you towards the attainment of your goals. So, let's summarize:
We have a declining number of agents in our business.
And, it is declining at a rate that the industry has never seen before. We have 10,000 boomers turning 65 each day and desirous of, and in need of, the products and services we provide. In other words, "More consumers chasing fewer agents.” So, at The Ohlson Group, we believe “these are the best of times.” There will be big winners, and also big losers. It just depends on how you view this situation. I will close by quoting a great motivational speaker (I think it is Zig Ziglar) "The only thing that's stinkin is your thinkin."
Get on the right side of this story. Give us a call today.
Until next time... good selling!