Our business is much the same. I feel confident that people in the insurance-based retirement income arena have operated while putting their clients’ best interest before their own. However, we are faced with a situation where regulators and certain members of congress seem to know what is best for the American people. They have laid upon us some draconian rules and regulations that will not only hurt our industry, but deny many Americans their right and opportunity to speak with an advisor about their retirement needs. Government officials think they know best, but the people most hurt by these new rules are the Middle Americans. I’m not referring to geography, but to the client incomes and assets.
This election has proven that Americans would like to have control over their own lives. They would like to have more control over their retirement needs. So, at this historic moment, I implore you to “preserve, protect and defend” your rights as a financial professional, as well as the rights of our clients to have access to quality retirement income concepts. Operating with our clients’ best interest before ours is a given… but don’t open the floodgates to senseless litigation, new rules on compensation, and additional costs that are laid on top the backbone of our country – the small business owner. So, contact your congressperson and senator, and fill them in on how the new DOL/Fiduciary rule will hurt all Americans. Tell them to vote for a delay, and let’s talk things over.
Find your representative: http://www.whoismyrepresentative.com/
Find your senator: https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/
Americans for Annuity Protection: http://www.aapnow.org/action-center/
God Bless America, and until next time… good selling!