"Please give me your thought process when you set up your retirement income plan"
- Do they think the plan is working, and why do they feel that way?
- Do they feel comfortable with the financial pro they have been working with... and why?
Let them tell you if they feel that they have the "appropriate amount of money at risk"... then ask them:
- How did they come up with the proper amount?
- What method, program etc?
- Do they feel as though their retirement plan is set up in a tax advantaged way? Then have them explain why they feel that way.
Okay, there are more questions, but now, after their shortcomings are exposed, you can present the solution. This is not high pressure, this is doing the job that my CLU oath says I should uphold. Help the people, show them how much better they will feel, and they will buy as opposed to you having to sell.
Want to learn more about behavioral dynamics? I would love to discuss with you once you contract with us and write some business.
Until next time... good selling!