As an MDRT producer, I always wanted a strong finish. I would work very hard to write more applications in November and December when many told me they were “slow times.” I also wanted many cases pending when the New Year began as I then saw placements and also new commissions. I would always look at my income, the number of cases written, the average size of the cases and the number of closing interviews I had to get to the net result. I would look at my prospecting methods and determine where I had the greatest success. With those numbers in hand, I could quickly determine where I had to increase activities and marketing budget to get to my new goal. You know, things haven’t changed and the numbers don’t lie.
At The Ohlson Group, we are doing that now. How many new producers do we need, how can we help the agent increase his/her income, and how can we relieve the advisor from many of the day to day chores that get in the way of marketing? We are not looking to “throw the baby out with the bathwater.” No, we take what you are currently doing, investigate to see if we can improve that process, and introduce you to ideas and concepts that have worked with many of our successful associates in the field.
While I can say that “I have walked a mile in your shoes,” I understand how things have greatly changed. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined how big a part digital marketing would play in the current world. But, one things that hasn’t changed is… “The way you finish is the way you will start and the way you will probably end up.”
So, what’s next? Simple, a conversation with us that can help you finish strong and make next year the best year you have ever had. What do you have to lose? Invest a few minutes with us and find out why agents from coast to coast continue to refer to us as… a different experience. Call now… operators are standing by.