The game had moved from Hickory shafts to persimmon woods. Yes, the blades were bigger and these guys were real competitors and studied each and every course that they played on. But, there were changes taking place. Enter Tiger Woods, Phil Mickleson and others using the “Big Bertha” drivers. Wow, I couldn’t believe how large the heads looked then. But today, they are larger, the shafts bend more and the irons have the concaved backs. What about the rescue clubs? Some people never use a 3 or 4 wood. Many now leave their 3, and 5 woods in the garage in favor of these rescue clubs.
But, it is more than the new equipment. The golfers of today are as fit as many NBA players. They also have coaches to help keep their mind straight. The caddies know the courses they play from tee to green. It’s like they have mentors and guides.
In short, they have adapted to today’s game. My questions to you "golfers" in the financial services industry are:
- Have you adapted to today’s game?
- Are you taking advantage of the new equipment available to you?
- Are you a student of the game?
- Are you studying the financial landscape from tee to green?
If not, you aren’t going to score very well. You might already be seeing your sales “handicap” starting to soar. So, how do we get you into playing shape for this year’s season? There is still plenty of time. Let’s take a look…
Today’s’ buyers no longer accept the “old school” type of selling. They know so much about the products we offer before we ever meet with them. They also know where to get their research. They will check you out through Google and they scour your website prior to even granting you an appointment.
We have many new tools in our business. Are you utilizing videos…short ones? The consumer likes that approach. You can, and should, be showing those at point of sale. You also need to be dripping on your prospects and clients via email and regular mail.
What about content? You’ve heard that content is king. Are you giving your clients quality content? And, are you aware of what all the clubs in your bag can do? For example, are you comfortable using your “life insurance club”? What about that one marked final expense or critical illness? Maybe you need a “professional caddy” that can explain everything from “tee to green”
In closing, we have all of the tools. We have the consumer videos, the training videos for you, the written content, white papers, and we will even build your website. AND, we even send the email content and videos out to your clients and prospects for you.
We would like to give you a tour of the “Ohlson Group Course.” We have the pros that have played the course and have won a few tournaments... for example I am a Life Member of the Million Dollar Round Table MDRT. We have so much to show you and we know how to lower your handicap. We can really help you with digital marketing and help you generate referred leads on a regular basis.
Bottom line, if you are still using those persimmon woods and blades while your competitors are using those “big headed drivers,” how far and long do you think you can go? Time to “tee em up!" So, if you are in need of a lesson, schedule a digital marketing assessment and let us show you what being a part of the Safe money Places Agents Network and The Ohlson Group can do for you.
Until next time…good selling!