The entire Ohlson Group crew would like to thank you for your continued support and business. Without you, I would be writing this to myself. Because of you, 2016 was a record year for us. We like to think that as we do better, you must be doing better as well. My wife Ann, my sons Nick and Joe, who will one day take over the business, and our first class staff… thanks to you. You are the ones that make The Ohlson Group and Safe Money Places Agent Network look good.
What a great country! Freedom, the entrepreneurial spirit and the concept of free enterprise. There are no limits. One can become whatever he/she espouses to be. We have a growing market that desires the products available, and a shrinking advisor/agent force. Think about how your business will continue to improve every year. “Too many prospects chasing too few agents”. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, at the risk of going out on a political limb, it appears that the DOL Fiduciary rule will go onto the legislative trash heap. And, I’m thankful for that. What a potential disservice to the American that need our help, the staff that we work with, and our livelihoods. But we mustn’t let our guards down – we must be prepared. Most importantly, we must always act in our clients’ best interest. We work for our clients, and I know that the vast majority of the people in our business feel that way.
So, have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. Be safe in your travels. Make sure to give all family members a big hug, because time goes quickly. Thanks again for everything. We look forward to a continued mutually beneficial business relationship. God Bless America and Happy Thanksgiving.
Until next time… good selling!