Now, before you think this was an annuity ad, it wasn’t. It was an advisor talking about alternative investments to growth equities and bonds. But, as I watched and listened, he could have been promoting annuities.
It is so important for us to remember this as we speak with our clients and prospects. We need to provide plans… maybe laddering, or maybe a plan with a long term/chronic illness element. Then, we must ask them the important two questions.... “How much do you need, and when do you need it?”
We are in the “catbird seat.” We have what most Americans want and need. This is the “Ah Ha” moment in our business. There has never been a better time to be in our business. I am sure that you have seen index annuity sales breaking sales records over the last several quarters.
So, keep it simple, have conversations, ask them key questions, and provide solutions.
Until next time… good selling! Raymond J. Ohlson, CLU, CRC, LACP President and CEO of The Ohlson Group 1-877-844-0900 |