When it comes to security, and reasonable rate of return, what can match a good Fixed Indexed Annuity? Let me help you out: NOTHING does. So, it’s now time to help the Boomer and Xer generations differentiate between what they need… and what they want. Heck, I want the Cubs to win the World Series. I want to win the lottery… all good wants, and things like this can happen (I just know that this is the year for the Cubs). But, what Americans need in retirement is a guaranteed flow of income. Maybe a flow that can increase with inflation. They may also need funds available for a chronic illness, or long-term care need. And, they both want and need a reasonable rate of return.
Let’s quickly review what has happened. Current owners of FIAs should kiss you. Yes, the market tanked… all principal protected, and past gains locked in. Plus, if they are near their anniversary date, their floor has now re-set. They have a new low starting point to calculate gains. What about new buyers? Well, there is not time to wait. If we all agree that that market will come back (it always does- it’s just a matter of how much and when) is there a better time to buy? The answer is no… there are great opportunities and growth.
Here are my tips:
- I want a good fair crediting rate on the accumulation side. Don’t be blinded by shiny first-year bonuses, and a low crediting rate. Big bonuses usually equal low caps, along with bad spreads and participation rates.
- I want an income payout strategy that gives me the opportunity to see increased payouts later in life, if the market hits a homerun.
- I want “history” in my strategies. Call me crazy, but I think a little history, and a lot of experience… is what the public wants today. No time for new trends or fads.
- Credibility in the carrier. Do you feel that the management team is on for the long term, and has the best interest of your client at heart?
- Is the insurance company very profitable? Or, will your new clients pay for their profits with low renewal rates.
So, there you have it. I have sold these products, designed these products, and priced these products. I also have a pretty good sense of smell, and can usually sniff out some trouble. So, that’s why you should give us a call. This week, I use my closing phrase with gusto…until next time, good selling!