I think this sums things up pretty well. We are entering the planning season for next year, and it is time to start thinking about the plan. Income goals, market goals, digital marketing, branding, sales numbers and more. In my opinion, you need a template. You should make this as easy as possible. Therefore, I suggest that the best plan is the one year plan. You can start looking out further once you are implementing the plan. You want to keep the plan flexible and have exit strategies and plans 2 and 3. Because, as you have seen, the world changes faster now than ever before. So, that challenge also presents a tremendous opportunity. You can get there faster than your competition if the plan is ready to kick off on January 1st. So, the time to start is now.
As I conclude this short commentary, I would like to offer up The Ohlson Groups business plan and marketing plan templates. I like to use the "KISS” method... Keep It Simple Stupid. And, I am addressing this to me and The entire Ohlson Group. We have the tools to assist you in reaching your goals. But, we have to have a plan. So, schedule a planning session with one of our marketing consultants.
I close with the following, "Reduce your plan to writing... the moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire."
Thanks for your attention and until next time... good selling!