When incorporating SCIP into my business life, I know that all four elements of this acronym must be there for every participant in a financial service transaction. I believe it has to be there in order for you, the agent/advisor, because nothing happens till somebody sells something. It also has to be there for us, The Ohlson Group/Safe Money Places International, LLC because we have to make a profit that allows us to deliver the services you have come to expect from us.
And, because we are an independent boutique firm (and will be that way as Nick and Joe are partners and will be the successors) we don't rely on the "big box”IMO way of doing business. No one tells us what to sell, how to offer, what to pay or what to do. Nope, we stay independent and operate in your best interest. So, we have to hit our margins. Let's continue...
So, the Service has to be there for all of us. Credibility, or believability, has to be there. You have to look at us as believable, the client needs to view you as credible, and the insurance company had better be credible with all of us. Integrity is something else- you can't earn it with a test or classes, and you can't buy it, and it is earned over many years. But, it can take but minutes to lose. So, we all want to be dealing with people that have integrity. And, back to Profitability. Yep, we all deserve that, and the #1 recipient should be the client. That is how we have operated, and I am sure you do the same.
So, if you start wondering where to place your next piece of business, or if you are being courted by one of the "big box shops,” don't forget the people that have truly walked a mile in your shoes. Yep, we have. Give us a call at 1-877-844-0900 to learn more about "SCIP.” I think you will like what you hear.
Until next time... good selling!