Too many today just try some new "Digital Marketing silver bullet" that they saw, or heard about in a promotional newsletter. But, they didn't have a strategy. And without a digital strategy you probably don't, or won't know if you are getting the attention of the right target market, at the right time and with the right message.
The successful financial professional has a digital marketing strategy and he/she tries to take the "guessing" out of what he/she does and focuses on getting ahead of the competition and increasing the bottom line while "having fun.”
The English dictionary describes a strategy as a plan of action to achieve a long term or overall aim. I've served on a number of boards, and was always amazed at how each described strategy and tactics. I was always impressed that my hospital board got it right. They knew the difference between strategy and tactics. "Strategy is the what, why, where and when.” Tactics are "How you are going to achieve the strategy.”
So, have I confused you? Do you feel like the digital wave is rushing over you and you are caught in the undertow?
If so, don't feel like the Lone Ranger. But, many of your competitors are "riding the Ohlson Group digital wave" and are finding this profession to be a lot more fun and a lot more profitable. No, we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. We integrate our proven digital marketing strategy into your overall marketing plan and continue to treasure and utilize traditional marketing tactics and skills.
There is a tropical disturbance starting to form. It is the "digital wave." Ride it with us or risk getting swept under by the rip tides. Call us today at 1-877-844-0900