We have been, and continue to be, contacted by large conglomerates that are interested in buying the firm. I am glad that we are able to continue to operate as a family owned boutique. We don’t have to “dance to the beat of a different drummer.” No, we listen to you and make our own music together.
And, we also still consider the agent that does $1 million in annuity premium or $50,000 in target premium a real asset to the firm. We feel that in those situations, we can increase the agents income by 50% in the first year with us just following some of our tried and true measures while applying a dose of modern day marketing.
So, if you feel as though you have been abandoned by your IMO, you need to take another look at The Ohlson Group and find out why agents from coast to coast continue to refer to as… a different experience. I look forward to working with my sons and you for many years to come. Give us a call and let’s talk. I have developed marketing plans from Muncie, Indiana to Milan, Italy. I think we can help you in your neck of the woods.