8% is the compound interest rate your client will earn on Social Security income if they delay receipt of their Social Security payment until 70 years old. Okay, we all should know that, but what if your clients need income at 65 or 66? That is where we provide the magic. Let's read on…
Most soon to be retired are going to need some money at 65, as their employers are not going to let them hang around. So, I will just spit out the answer. Your client is better off giving you a chunk of their dough and buying a 5 year spia to provide the income that Social Security will provide them at age 70. Ok, simple? Yes. Story over? No. Let's continue...
Most Americans are going to rely on Social Security as a big part of their retirement income. Most, at retirement, will be fortunate enough to still have the spouse... and the Social Security income from the spouse. But, what is going to happen when one spouse dies? They will lose the smaller Social Security check. And, that is going to hurt. We will see more inflation and most of your clients are not living "high on the hog." They need every penny.
So, how do you replace the lost Social Security check? Simple... you buy a life insurance policy. No other financial instrument, at that age, can do for them what a life policy can do. Want to talk more about this and help your client as well as yourself? Give us a call at 1-877-844-0900 and let's talk.
Until next time... good selling!