We operate off of the principles of SCIP: Service, Credibility, integrity and Profitability.
We have always stated that these four attributes must be there for all participants in every financial service transaction. The sale, service and marketing of life and annuity products are no different. At this point, I would like to focus on the one core element... credibility. Credibility is believability: being the "go to person" regarding your specialty in your community. But, the question always gets back to "Ray, I know that, but how can I get my name out there on a limited budget with limited staff?” Well, we have the answers. Why, because it takes a whole bunch of time money and manpower to make this effective. Let's look:
First off, I am going to make a statement. If you could do this on your own, you would be paying a minimum of $500-750 per month for these services. Let me get to the point: for our members, the cost to you is zero, nada, nothing. Here are a few of the benefits:
- Build or refresh a website that you will be proud to have visitors visit
- Continual updates and servicing of your website and this includes maintenance
- New content every month on your website. This will be a combination of video, audio and print. You will also be supplied with white papers branded with all of your contact info
Distribution of this content on a monthly basis to your clients and prospects.
This is important- you spent money to obtain a lead or client. What are you doing to resurrect that prospect and upsell or cross-sell your clients? What are you giving them that would encourage them to give you referrals? Wouldn't this lower your acquisition costs? The answer is a resounding yes. You would have to get Constant Contact, Mail Chimp or some other service and would have to arrange the timetables and distribution of these pieces to your group. WE DO IT FOR YOU.
Your website is branded as being a member of the Safe Money Places Agent Network.
Landing pages are developed for you with your brand and contact info AND, all of your list gets a complimentary subscription to the critically acclaimed Safe Money News. This financial e-magazine is sent out on a quarterly basis with articles from some of the best writers in the country.
We offer access to consumer webinars for members of the network. This year we will be developing short webinars for your clients and prospects to attend. This will go out under your label, and they will be recorded for multiple uses and can be placed on your website.
Of course, you will be listed in the Safe Money Places Agent locator on www.safemoneyplaces.com.
For our “Producing Partner” members, we give you a quarterly allowance to help pay for your marketing, research, and education expenses.
In summary, there is a lot more to mention but we would rather speak with you. The DOL/Fiduciary rule has changed our business forever. DOL delay, changes or whatever, the public is aware and they research people that they are thinking of working with. They Google you, check out your website and judge you prior to meeting. We can assist with marketing, press releases, etc.
Want an example?
Just Google Ray Ohlson, The Ohlson Group or Safe Money and see what comes up. I have developed marketing plans for insurance companies everywhere from Muncie Indiana to Milan Italy and we can do it for you. So, the cost for this? A very modest amount of business and we do it all.
We are the family owned boutique with a great blend of young and experienced, and we need and want your business. So, what do you have to lose? Pick up the phone and give us a call to arrange a 15 minute meeting, or simply click below to arrange an appointment with one of our marketing consultants. The clock is ticking and it’s time for you to do something. Do it now... call. Your future business just might depend on what you decide to do.
Until next time... good selling!